A Global Tracker for a Diverse, Inclusive and Equal Travel & Tourism Sector

What We Do

FiveEightTen is the first (and only!) digital portal and tracker dedicated to the travel and tourism sector to transform global diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) data into an easy-to-use and understandable dashboard to track our progress as a sector towards a better future.

We aggregate data on all inclusivity, diversity and equity measures within six pillars (diversity measures, gender diversity, racial/ethnic diversity, LGBTQ+, disability and inclusive measures), to give you snapshot of how you deliver on your DEI targets as an organisation as well as track your progress over time with a clear mission to facilitate its achievement by 2030.

  • Enviromental
  • Social
  • Governance

Solving the ESG Data Challenge

The FiveEightTen tracker increases visibility into a previously opaque area of ESG reporting from companies in Travel & Tourism. Post COVID-19, the “S” and “G” in environmental, social, governance (ESG) data has become more important than ever before. Our insights will give you an in-depth analysis on how you deliver as an organization on the Social and Governance components of the ESG Framework.

We are believers in the ethos that “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. By providing independent, reliable data to global organizations in the travel and tourism sector we hope to raise awareness of the need to make diversity and inclusion a topic of critical importance for the future success of our industry.

Customise and Generate Report

The FiveEightTen Tracker is designed to encourage the disclosure and measurement of company-specific DEI data. Our unique evidence-based and data driven model can help you better understand where you stand on your DEI journey and what next steps to take.

The portal is updated every six months to reflect emerging best practices around this complex global challenge and will offer detailed information on how to measure and track data critical to achieving return on equality in the workplace.

  • 01Request A Demo & Sign Up

    Step 01 Request A Demo & Sign Up

    Fill in our request form and our team will reach out to schedule a demo at your earliest convenience. Once you are ready to be onboarded as a member, we will give you a virtual safe and secure log-in to access your customised FiveEightTen Dashboard.

  • 02Data Input

    Step 02 Data Input

    Our 6-component questionnaire, which is completely secure and confidential, will prompt you to collect and answer DEI related information that are essential to generate benchmarking analytics. You can edit your data input at any time on the platform.

  • 03Benchmark Your Progress

    Step 03 Benchmark Your Progress

    Our benchmarking system aggregates anonymised data across hotels, airlines, airports, casino and entertainment, OTAs and travel agencies, as well as F&B companies, which will allow you to compare DEI-specific KPIs with industry average as well as your chosen competitive set.

  • 04Customise and Generate Report

    Step 04 Customise and Generate Report

    Our dynamic dashboard will allow you to choose the DEI metrics that you would like to focus on and share reports directly and confidently with your management team, board of directors as well as investors.

Our Membership

The business case for fostering a diverse and inclusive environment was never more compelling and today all stakeholders, including employees, investors, and regulators, care deeply about it. The companies measuring and managing their data through the FiveEightTen Tracker are not only leading the charge for transparency but also fortifying their commitment to Return on Equality.

Our membership is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all our Members and we would like all our members to have equal access to the resources.

Key Benefits of Membership

As a member you will have access to your own customised dashboard where we will analyse for you all key metrics and KPI’s so you can explore the results by your specific sector and also how you fare on your individual performance against your chosen competitive set specific to the SDG’s.

  • Benchmark Within Your Sector

    Compare your DEI performance to two dimensions (travel & tourism sector and sub-sector), set accurate targets and refine strategy.

  • Trackable Progress on KPIs

    The powerful goal management system will map your DEI achievement metrics and progress based on historical data.

  • Identifiable Areas for Improvement

    Identify your DEI strategy’s strengths and weaknesses to make informed decisions, for creating impactful initiatives for your organization.

  • Generate Diversity & Inclusion Report

    Receive analysis and Insights for more efficient and effective EXCOM and board meetings.

Our Raison d’etre

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) have been in existence since 2005 and provide the world 17 crucial goals which when accomplished, safeguard a sustainable future. At FiveEightTen we are passionate advocates of the potential of the SDGs as a force for good, yet we acknowledge that there is little visibility regarding their progress globally.

We founded FiveEightTen as we believe to measure is to manage and to know is to act, and by creating a global mission control platform. For DEI we hope to make diversity and inclusion front and centre when it comes to decision making and mobilise and inspire the entire travel and tourism sector to achieve the three key SDG’s 5, 8 and 10 by 2030.


Gender Equality


Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


Decent Work & Economic Growth


Decent Work & Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive & sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

SDG 10

Reduced Inequalities

SDG 10

Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries

A Snapshot of Gender Diversity in Travel & Tourism

The results of the most comprehensive study on gender diversity across the entire travel and tourism spectrum.

  • 100


  • 7


  • 6.2

    million employees

  • 130


  • US$ 1.6

    Trillion market cap

Overall Employment
Mid Level Management
Senior Level Management
Executive Management
Chair of Board of Directors

More Insights

About FiveEightTen

FiveEightTen is an independent, non-partisan foundation that was born out of a desire to unify, mobilise, inspire and empower the travel and tourism sector to achieve the three key SDG equality goals by 2030.

We aggregate data on all inclusivity, diversity and equity (ID&E) measures to enable you to get a snapshot of how you are delivering on your ID&E targets as an organisation as well as track your progress over time towards your ID&E goals with a clear mission to facilitate its achievement by 2030.

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Partners We’ve Worked With

  • Private Sector

  • Public Sector

  • Global Associations

  • Academia